

The 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College at Omak is known for its small classes, personalized instruction, and student support in changing lives for the better. 





“I’d do it again,” 莎拉波琳娜, a single mother of an 18-year-old son, says of the 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院(WVC)-奥马克经验. “有工作,有家,还有大学 campus all within walking distance was so helpful,” Polina continued. 她最近发表了讲话 to a 奥马克基金会的WVC meeting, explaining how the Omak campus of offerings, staff help, and support helped change her life for the better. 以她前雇主的名字命名, AT&T, closed, Polina attended WVC at Omak and retrained to improve her employment 机会.

Today, she is an agent for VIP Insurance in Omak, as well as being a disc jockey and 尊巴老师. “A caring faculty, small classes, and the ability to stay in the area to raise my family,” were all important aspects of her Omak campus experience, 她指出. 负担能力和支持对她来说也很重要.






Kiana's advice and recommendations to high school seniors would be, “Don’t grow up 太快了! Enjoy the time you have and cherish all the little things. 成为一个成功者 student takes a lot of self-discipline and responsibility, but all the hard work really pays off in the end, so dive into your education and take advantage of the opportunity 趁你还能. I must say, there was no better feeling than when I was walking across the stage at graduation and being able to take that deep breathe and say, I did it!”

Sam graduated from Lake Roosevelt High School on June 10, 2017 and from 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College on June 17, 2017 with her Associate of Arts & 科学学位. 她 transferred to Eastern Washington University this Fall, planning to earn her Bachelors 商学学位,辅修美洲印第安人研究.

Sam shared, “I chose WVC Omak because it was the most convenient campus available that provided all the resources necessary to make my 运行开始 experience successful.”

“Some advantages that arose by attending WVCO were, I had the privilege of creating my own schedule for classes, I had a wonderful and reliable advisor, and like I said before the availability of resources at the Omak campus were very convenient. 甚至 though I live a far distance away campus, the Omak campus gave me the opportunity to take classes in person for a better learning environment. 唯一的缺点 I had while attending WVCO, was that there were a few classes I was interested in 这些课程只在皇冠8868会员登录的主校区提供.”

“Sadly, I was unable to participate in student activities. 我全职工作,而且 had a lot of community activities I was involved in for the tribe.”“我的总体经验 很好! 我无法想象自己在其他任何地方. 我觉得我真的可以依靠 on my advisor at WVCO for anything that popped up and that was the support I needed.” 






赛斯马丁, Okanogan High School 2009 graduate, says, “The support system in Omak is great; the flexibility of the professors is outstanding.“现在26岁,”赛斯继续说道, “If I had entered a four-year college right after high school, the class sizes and 缺乏支持系统会是一个问题. WVCO弥补了这些. 这是 这是一个很好的开始. The teachers were great and the tutoring centers a major help. I could work part time and still schedule my needed classes. 奥马克校区有一个 很多东西可以提供,”马丁说.

马丁在EWU完成了他的刑事司法学位. 马丁目前正在 in Idaho for the Forest Service as part of a Hot Shots fire fighting team. 他认为 WVCO with giving him a solid post-high school starting place. “我会推荐它 anyone who wants to go beyond grade twelve and get a friendly start,” he added. 






布莱恩Berntsen, age 55, of Omak, works as a ASCP Board Certified Medical Laboratory 奥马克中谷医院的技术员. “WVC- OMAK为我提供了车辆 成功,”他说.

In 2005 Berntsen was stocking shelves and supervising the nigh crew at a local market. 当沃尔玛来到城里时,他被解雇了. 在参加了一个工作源职业之后 class, he enrolled at WVC OMAK, taking prerequisites which would lead him into a much 需求领域:医学实验室技术. 伯恩森在最近的一次会议上讲述了他的故事 meeting of the WVC Omak基金会 which supports local students and staff on the Omak校园. Vicki Turner, Kit Arbuckle, Randy Middleton, Vicki Lewis, Jeff Dykes, Bob Gillespie and others at the Omak College each played a role in his success. 每一个 was supportive and facilitated Bernstein gaining new 技能 in computers, communications, medical and laboratory work, as well as chemistry and other required knowledge and 技能.

By September 2007, Berntsen had graduated from WVC OMAK and become a Board Certified 医学化验技术员. Hired by Mid-Valley Hospital, he and eight other full-time technicians, plus their supervisor work full time doing urinalysis, blood coagulation factor tests, blood draws, liver and kidney tests, and much more.

“I am proof that you can teach an old dog new 技能,” Bernstein said. “我爱我的。 工作. 为此,我由衷地感谢WVC OMAK. 我知道我能带来改变. 我爱 我所做的. Some days are traumatic, especially when you are working with someone you 认识他们的家人. The power of modern medicine is incredible to witness first 手. I have WVC OMAK to thank for giving me the opportunity to do so every day. I 住在离公司五分钟路程的地方,而且薪水还不错. WVC OMAK和其优秀的员工给予 给我一个机会去发现我的能力.”

伯恩斯坦指出,全国范围内的mlt都很短缺. “在大医院你可以 变得更加专业化. 我喜欢每天都不一样. 我们和住院病人打交道, outpatients, ER patients, family members, doctors, nurses, admissions people, billing, 和更多的. 沟通技巧很重要. 实验室技术员需要有特殊的 计算机技能. We troubleshoot analyzer, reagent, and patient sample issues. 诊断, technical, therapeutic, and direct patient care are provided daily.”

He advises current and future students, “Use work-study, grants, and scholarships 在可能的情况下. 学生贷款需要长期偿还.”